

02. A Film by Bruno Monsaingeon

来源 : admin时间 : 2024-01-29

  Mstislav Rostropovich – L′archet Indomptable The Indomitable Bow (2018) BD蓝光原盘 23.1G_Blu-ray_BDMV_BDISO_

  英文名称 : Mstislav Rostropovich – L′archet Indomptable : The Indomitable Bow (2018)

  中文名称 : 罗斯特罗波维奇 不屈不挠的弓弦

  资源类型 : 古典音乐会, 音乐电影

  资源规格 : Blu-ray 蓝光原盘 BDMV

  下载方式 : 百度网盘

  文件体积 : 23.1G

  导演 : Bruno Monsaingeon

  表演 : Mstislav Rostropovich (Cello)

  曲目列表 :

  01. Rostropovich : L′archet Indomptable (The Indomitable Bow)

  02. A Film by Bruno Monsaingeon

  The Indomitable Bow is a unique portrait of Mstislav Rostropovich, A formidable personality as well as a complex, deeply political musician constantly engaged in a whirlwind of activities. Including unreleased documents, archive films, interviews and concert performances from this key figure of the 20th century, The Indomitable Bow is a remarkable testimony of the life and work of the legendary Slava.

  Mstislav Rostropovich – L′archet Indomptable The Indomitable Bow (2018) BD蓝光原盘 23.1G_Blu-ray_BDMV_BDISO_1

  Mstislav Rostropovich – L′archet Indomptable The Indomitable Bow (2018) BD蓝光原盘 23.1G_Blu-ray_BDMV_BDISO_2

02. A Film by Bruno Monsaingeon
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